[詳細程度 123]
▼NChem4Word | |
▼NCore | |
CControlCollection | List of control's properties. This class provides an implementation of ICachedType for complete control of properties' load and save |
CControlCollectionComparer | Comparer that will compare ControlProperties objects based on their position in the document |
CControlProperties | Class that stores a list of property values for a saved control |
CControlsStorage | /summary> |
▼NShapeLib | |
▼NProperties | |
CResources | A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc |
▼NVShape | |
CcheckHitDraw | |
Ceraser | |
CGModel | |
CgPath | |
CgPoint | |
CgPro | |
CGraphDoc | 記錄shape list,action data stack 記錄動作,每個動作(pointAry)包含,該圖是圖形的第幾個(Listplace),之前記錄是否己有相同圖是第幾個,目前圖存在記錄的第幾個 |
CgView | |
CIDrawing | |
CIForm | |
CIInsertOP | |
CIShapeUI | |
CIUpdateOP | |
CRUse | |
CsaveState | 為了維護undo redo, 系統任何操作必需把狀態存起來, |
CShapeArrow | |
CShapeCircle | |
CShapeCurve | |
CshapeLib | |
CShapeObj | 某一類的形狀.包含UI 的界面,繪製方式.更新方式.新增方式 |
CShapePencil | |
CShapeRectangle | |
CShaperightTriangle | |
CShapeText | |
CShapeTriangle | |
CshapeUI | 定義一個UI項目 |
CSproerty | |
CSVGRoot | |
▼Nviolet | 使UNIX上開發的C程式移植到windows上 /summary> |
▼NProperties | |
CResources | A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc |
CSettings | |
CForm1 | |
CGlobals | |
CRibbon1 | 必要的設計工具變數。 |
CThisAddIn | |
CThisRibbonCollection | |
CUserControl1 | UserControl1 |
CUtility | |